Kicking off the Zero Waste Challenge!

October 20, 2019. This date marks the beginning of the seven day Zero Waste Challenge Waterloo Region (check it out here: Beginning tomorrow, anything that would usually go in the garbage in my house (with the exception of pet waste) will go in a 1L glass jar. Well, "what could be compost" will have its own jar. But more on the reasons for that later in the week.

Why take the challenge? 
Two empty glass jars sitting on a kitchen counter

The short answer, of course, is why not? When I signed on to the Plastic Free July challenge earlier this year, I had to answer to myself for the decisions I make regarding how I spend my time, and uncovered the value in priorities I had shoved aside. Accepting the Zero Waste Challenge seemed a wonderful way to revisit these and further challenge myself. However, if reasons such as adopting positive habits and hearing oneself are a little too close to the self-help section for you, do it for your children. Or for your grandchildren. Or for your grandchildren's grandchildren. Don't leave them with a world that is in a constant state of natural disasters and emergencies. 

How does one find the time?

Here's the funny thing about time. We all have the same finite 24 hours in a day (unless you're my German partner, who claims there is a saying back home, "There are 24 hours in a day and then there's the night."). That is outside of our control. However, how we choose to spend those 24 hours is not. Everyone has the time to take part in the Zero Waste Challenge and/or work to adopt environmentally-friendly habits. The next time you hear yourself saying, "I don't have the time", rephrase it aloud to, "I don't choose to spend my time on that". Soon after, you are likely to find yourself asking, "Why am I choosing to spend my time on x instead?".

I can't commit, but I want to do something!

For anyone who does not believe they have the time to take part in the challenge, consider this: The only effort required is getting a 1L jar from your cupboard and using it in place of your garbage bin. That's it. But, if that is too much for now, ask yourself what isn't too much. Do you need to print your receipt at the ATM when you can check your bank balance from your phone anytime? Do you need your takeout sandwich wrapped and put in a bag? If you're staying at the coffee shop, why not ask for a for-here mug? Start there. One needn't be perfect at this to begin. One simply needs to begin and go from there.

Until next time!
